“The best up-and-coming arbitrator in the country”
Profile details
Boris Kasolowsky is recommended by market sources for his “excellent work during prolonged hearings” and “absolute dedication to the case” in both investor-state and commercial arbitrations. They add, “If he’s not already a star, he’s one of the rising stars as a counsel.”
Boris Kasolowsky is best known for his strength in international arbitration, where he is regularly mandated as counsel in both commercial and investment arbitration cases. Sources are particularly impressed with his ability to manage cases as counsel. His scope of expertise also covers litigation.
Boris Kasolowsky is a “well-known name” in the market. Peers distinguish him as “always a pleasure to work with” and commend his excellent work as counsel and arbitrator in international disputes.
Excellent feedback from the market, describing him as "an absolutely outstanding lawyer." He handles commercial arbitration cases for energy, industrial and chemical companies. He also represents clients in investor-state arbitrations. Clients laud his innovative approach, saying: "He can think very much outside of the box and comes up with creative solutions and defences."
Boris Kasolowsky provides expert advice on significant arbitrations, with experience in multi-jurisdictional disputes under ICSID rules. He provides expertise on contractual and supply chain disputes, with one client stating: "He is commercially minded and can think outside of the box and come up with creative solutions."
C.H: Beck Verlag, 2017, (Mitautorenschaft mit den Kollegen Peter Chrocziel, Robert Whitener und Wolrad Prinz zu Waldeck) International Arbitration of Intellectual Property Disputes
UNSW LJ Ausg. 31(1), 330 (Verfasser mit Rolf Trittmann) Taking evidence in arbitration proceedings between common law and civil law traditions – the development of a European hybrid standard
TDM 2, 2013, (Verfasser mit Caroline Kittelmann) The Participation of the European Commission as a Non-Party in Investment Treaty Disputes