“It is all about quality”
Profile details
Seasoned practitioner Dirk Schmalenbach is deeply experienced in the aviation finance field, and has remained at the forefront of the German market for many years. His areas of expertise include cross-border financings, in particular debt and equity work.
Dirk Schmalenbach is an extremely experienced member of the finance team, noted for his work on cross-border matters. Peers describe him as 'a very good name in the market,' adding: 'He's a very hands-on, experienced guy.'
Dirk Schmalenbach is a seasoned finance practitioner in the Frankfurt office and a well-known name in the aviation field. He offers considerable cross-border transactional experience.
Dirk Schmalenbach commands the respect of peers and clients, having built up decades' worth of experience in the financing arena. He advises on debt financing, regulatory requirements and contractual issues. Sources observe that he has an "impressive knowledge of the industry."
Dirk Schmalenbach stands out for his “excellent handling” of complex cross-border multi-party transactions.
The “fantastic” Dirk Schmalenbach is known for his work on corporate and finance transactions with particular expertise in the aviation sector.
he is a “financing expert” who is well known for his work in the aviation sector.
Dirk Schmalenbach commands the respect of peers and clients, having built up decades' worth of experience in the financing arena. He advises on debt financing, regulatory requirements and contractual issues. Sources observe that he has an "impressive knowledge of the industry."
Lawyer of the Year 2016 for Asset FinanceBest Lawyers Handelsblatt 2016
Mitherausgeber des Standardwerks „Handbuch der Unternehmensfinanzierung“
Zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen zu Rechtsvorschriften, Darstellung des „Finanzierungsleasing“ im HGB-Kommentar von Ebenroth/Boujong/Joost/Strohn
Verfasser des Kommentars zum gesamten Zahlungsdiensterecht im BGB-Kommentar von Bamberger/Roth